Cancel safe deposit box

You must cancel your rental agreement for a safe deposit box at CitySafes in writing. You can use the form below to do this:

  • Please complete this form with the details you have given us. We can only process cancellations with a complete set of data. The cancellation period is at least one month before your rental contract expires. You are responsible for sending within the notice period specified. We will send you a confirmation within three working days once we received your cancellation and we will contact you to arrange an appointment to take back your keys. If you do not receive a confirmation from us, please contact us at
  • Note: Always hand in your keys in person, never send them by post!
Cancel form

Once we have received your keys, the deposit will be refunded to your bank account within one month. If you wish to rent a safe deposit box again in the future, you should be aware that we cannot reserve safe deposit boxes and you might not be able to get the same size as you had before.

If you are unable to fill in the cancellation form, you can cancel in writing. To do so, please fill in this form and send it to:

CitySafes Denemarken ApS
Pilestræde 60, 1. Sal,
1112 København K

Rent a safe